Red Veined Sorrel: Leafy Beauty
Red veined sorrel is as easy to grow as it is to love in a nice salad. Plant it correctly and reap the benefits year after year.
St. John’s Wort: Funny Name, Serious Benefits
Backed by science, St. John's wort can be grown and harvested at home as a healthful tea or medicinal oil.
Cucamelon Magic: Koo Koo Ka Choo
Cucamelons would fit nicely in a garden with unicorns and fairies. But don't let these pixie-like "watermelons" fool you. Beyond the cute, cucamelons are healthful giants.
Grow Turmeric Indoors – It’s Easy and Healthful
Even science admits the turmeric plant is packed with health benefits. Enjoy this medicinal plant by growing it indoors.
Chamomile for Making Medicinal Tea
Want to have the No. 1 medicinal plant growing near you? Learn how to do it and make your own healthful chamomile tea.